Project Details

Project Type: Student Project

Genre: Bullet Hell, Twin-Stick Shooter, Roguelike

Engine: Unity

Platform(s): N/A

Language: C#

My Roles: Creative Director, Game Designer, Programmer, Sound Designer, Enemy Designer, Voice Actor, Cinematic Design.

Skills Developed: Designing character kits and enemy attack patterns that compliment/counter one another, Designing around player “fantasy”, Bullet Hell Design Principles, The importance of replayability.

Game Description

Sweet Justice is a bullet hell twin stick shooter made in Unity for a student project. It was our approach to a “bullet hell” style game.

Kavity and his league of confectionaries are threatening to take over the world! Step up and drive him back using 4 unique heroes complete with different moves and ultimate abilities.

Purchase items at the shop inbetween rounds to give yourself a boost during your runs. Master your characters kits and switch between them at opportune times to counter the enemy and rake in the high scores!

How long can you survive Kavity’s onslaught?
