Tap-Activated Raspberry Pi Controller

Project Details

Project Type: University Final Year Project

Engine Used: Unreal Engine 4

Language: Python, C#, C++, Blueprints

My Roles: Everything. (it was solo!)

Skills Developed: Using a Raspberry Pi, Network Programming in Python/C#/C++/Blueprints, Collaboration with a tech company, Software Engineering, Receiving accelerometer data through the network using a Pi and contextualising that in video game form, Using packets and data on a local network, WinSCP for file transfers from Pi to PC.

Project Description

This project was done for my final year Individual Project submission at the University of Huddersfield.

I borrowed a Raspberry Pi A3+ from the university’s Metrology Hub that they were using for their research. It was custom fit with a 3D printed polymer shell and an accelerometer. The Pi has an internal storage unit that could store and read python files to set up behaviours of the Pi. The project was mostly learning how to connect the Pi to my home network and transfer the live accelerometer data from it to an Unreal Engine 4 project that contextualised the received accelerometer data into a “tap-response” style controller input.

This was realised in a polished “demo disc” of two games: a Flappy Bird style endless runner and a Morse Code Translator. Both controlled by tapping a surface nearby the Pi.

The topic of my dissertation was the exploration of “accessibility options in gaming” and how a more developed controller of this kind could help certain groups of disabled individuals such as those with motor disabilities.



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