Project Details

Project Type: Game Jam

Genre: Puzzle, Visual Novel

Engine: Unity

Platform(s): N/A

Language: C#

My Roles: Creative Director, Game Designer, Gameplay Programmer, Sound Designer, Voice Actor.

Skills Developed: Interweaving story and puzzle elements diagetically, Implementing a Resident Evil style item viewer as a puzzle premise, Using DOTween to pack lerps and juice into a limited system, Replicating an analogue clock through code, Creating a modular dialogue system for the NPCs, Designing a game based around a time limit, Fulfilling an Ace Attorney style court room fantasy.

Game Description

Premature Adjudication is an observation puzzle game created for a student game jam at The University of Huddersfield. 

As a judge with places to be, you have only 60 seconds to crack each case! Listen to the defence and prosecution’s wittering whilst you fumble around with pieces of evidence on your desk to get a greater picture of what’s going on. 

Slam the gavel to make a final judgement. You’re guess is as good as mine! 

You are rewarded with a rank based on how many cases you got correct. Good luck!
